I take of the tags and plop my juicy boy on the changing table, only to hit an immediate road block. Can't get it over his shoulders easily. OK breathe, take it slow. Over the shoulders....whew. Then I pull it over the belly and button it up. I take a moment to admire the sight of those juicy legs, then I sit him up. From here it all goes down hill. Not only is the outfit pulling in his stomach area but its all kinds of bunched up in his crotch.

I checked the tags again because I know this is a 9 month outfit. Yeah 9 months. I take that one off and try another, that's a no. I repeat this cycle until all but 8 outfits are in the, "This will never be worn" pile. Who knew my 16 week old would not be able to wear 9 month clothes. I thought I was being proactive by skipping the 3-6 and 6-9 month clothes but going to the 9 months. I guess I was wrong. Oh well, I guess we will be rolling up the legs on 9-12 month clothes on baby TJ before he hits 6 months.
After I shed a few tears in memoriam to the adorable outfits and money spent on them I let out a huge laugh. Despite the current fashion dilemma this robust baby is causing I am beyond blessed to have such a healthy baby. I will never have to fear hearing the dreaded words, failure to thrive, from the doctor's mouth. Even if he gets sick, he has more than a few pounds to spare. Honestly, from the day he was born everyone was saying he will eat and grow us out of house and home. I figured they were right, I just didn't think it would start now. Here are a few pictures of other things he has outgrown.
His feet totally hang over the end of his car seat.
The bathtub.

Oh yes and we are teething. Teething has completely rocked our schedule but we are fighting with everything we have. This is a mesh pouch that holds frozen fruit and veggies. The mesh keeps anything the baby could choke on from getting into the baby's mouth but allows them to gum on something hard and nutritious at the same time. I love it and he loves,even though he gets frustrated because he is not used to working or waiting for his food. But the great taste of frozen pear keeps him motivated.

He is SO adorable and looks like a PERFECT mixture between you and your hubby!! And your hair looks awesome!
Girl, you got a big one! He is so adorable!
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