At 4 months TJ Baby was 20 lbs 13.5 oz.- the average weight of a 9 month old, 26 inches- the average height of a 6 month old which put him in the 99th percentile and makes him a certified Thanksgiving turkey. LOL
With that said you can see why his doctor wanted him on solids pronto. With the utmost concern about potential allergies, we decided to wait 4 days to introduce each new food. To date he has had pears, apples, peas, butternut squash, banana, brocolli, mango, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and avocado. He loves every bit of it and I like to think it's because of my special touch. I make all of his food from certified organic produce (one reason I have been a little busier than usual). It can be time consuming but it doesn't have to be, it only presents a problem for me because my schedule is already impossible. Once a week, I steam and puree enough food to fill my ice trays and store it. I could do it once every 3 weeks and be fine but I don't want to run out.
Here are my tools

All done

These pictures are of a huge food making session I had to prepare enough food for our week long vacation. That's right week long. Shortly after TJ baby turned 4 months Steve and I left for an anniversary getaway sans our sweet little baby. It took me a week to get enough food, clothes, toys, books and everything else gathered and packed so that my parents could have a good time keeping him in Atlanta. I'd exerienced a bit of anxiety over leaving him for so long and being so far away (we hung out on the West Coast)I was not prepared for how ridiculously sad I would be. Anxiety and tears aside he had a great time bonding with his family in Atlanta.
While TJ baby was chillin in the A, Steve and I were celebrating four years in Vegas and Newport Beach, CA. Needless to say we took advantage of the time by getting much needed rest and one on one time. There was drinking, a twice daily Fat Tuesday's visit, eating, sightseeing and virtually no gambling (we don't roll like that). I shocked myself by cutting loose as soon as I hit the strip. I ate and drank whatever I want, but I still hit the gym. Once we left Vegas, we went to Newport Beach and got some much needed R&R. Somewhere between we found the time to visit L.A.

The trip was great but as mentioned earlier I missed TJ so much I got sick. By the time we made it back to Atlanta, I was so hard up for some boogie shuggy, I woke him up at 1 am to get it. Oh yeah, we made it back to Atlanta in time for the 3 of us to spend the day of our anniversary and TJ's 5 month mark together. It was super special to celebrate our wedding on the day our baby turned five months. It felt like a kiss from God.
Once we finally made it back to Nashville, we immediately started preparing for Steven's birthday and the Christening of our beautiful baby boy. As usual we were constantly on the go without a minute to spare but what else is there to do when the list is a mile long.