OMG!!! The big day finally arrived,not the birth of the baby but the baby shower. I finally found something to wear,though it was not at all spectacular, the waters in Atlanta receded and we were ready to go.
The shower was absolutely amazing. My mother, sister and friend Courtney hosted the amazing event with additional contributions from countless friends and family members. I didn't know much about what would happen at the shower but I knew the food would mostly salads. At the beginning of the pregnancy, I only wanted salad. When we were discussing a shower menu, I randomly said I don't care if it's all salads. So she went with it. It was wonderful.
There was a mixed green salad, Greek cucumber and tomato salad, chicken salad, turkey salad, fruit salad, cheese and deserts. Yummo! That was my kind of menu. Wowsers. I spent most of the shower walking back and forth to the food as people played games and socialized. I never really stopped eating.

The rest of the shower was equally amazing. My mom had a preggo picture of Steven and I for everyone to sign. Then there was the cutest baby shower book with guest signatures, guest advice, pictures and all types of things. The shower games were original and obviously challenging, as I was chased away from table after table because I was talking when people were trying to concentrate. LOL. The favors were all personalized and adorable. The cover of the game books was a reproduction of the canvas that inspired the nursery design. I was so outdone by the attention to detail and seeing so many random conversations held with my mom brought into this shower. I felt so loved.

My Mothers

Anywho, the most amazing part was how generous everyone was. I always appreciate any gift I receive but I was floored by the thought and consideration people placed into the gifts. Though I had a registry, there were many who purchased off registry and they considered the lack of space in our loft, my taste and the theme. We walked away from that shower with virtually everything we needed for TJ. Our parents have been extremely generous purchasing the crib,changing table, travel system, bassinet and more clothes than I can stand to hang (still working on it). Everything else we could imagine was purchased by the shower guests.
Me and the shower spoil

I still get choked up when I think about how much the shower was a blessing to us. We spent a lot of time worrying about how we would be able to afford this surprise baby of ours. This shows me God's timing is always the best timing. Worry or not, He always supplies.
I am on cloud 9.
A few pics more

I said I couldn't wait to see my son in those clothes, so someone put his ultrasound picture in this outfit. I thought it was funny.

4 generations of Smith women. Gotta Love it.

My college girlfriends representing