I know a lot of women feel this way but in my case, it is really true. I did really well in terms of growth, the first 19 weeks of my pregnancy. That was the first 19 weeks.
At 19 weeks and 2 days I was noticeably bigger. Today makes 19 weeks, 5 days pregnant, I am officially in arguably pregnant. That means if someone looks at me, they can easily tell I am preggers. That means, I can no longer keep it a secret and when I pick up a cup of coffee or a pack of skittles, I get that you shouldn't eat that look from a perfect stranger. I am getting big.
In light of my recent and continuous expansion, I have been commenting to others on just how big I am. Without fail, I always get, If you think your big now you just wait until.....(fill in whatever month). I don't want to think about that now. I have to focus on just how huge I feel now. Or that I can now see my belly button through my shirt. All of this is weird.
What I am most nervous about, is getting so big that people feel the need to touch me. I don't want to think about that right now either. I will just focus on figuring out what to do with my bellybutton for now.
Code Red
12 years ago