July 4th, 2008
Just after my last post, Steven and I joined our friends for a night we would talk about for the next year. Awesome barbecue, smoky burgers, great drinks and crazy conversation. Oh yeah and we sang 90's R&B until the sun came up. We cemented a budding friendship with another married couple, who rounded out our core group of family friends. It was a wonderful time.

July 4th and beyond was dedicated to turning the state of Tennessee blue for Barack Obama. We spent days and nights, canvasing, calling and registering voters. After that we met at local watering holes to listen to the pundits, watch results and provide emotional support.

Steven's non-profit Voting Is Priceless, was recognized as a major player in Nashville's youth vote turnout. A fundraiser concert was held on behalf of his organization in October. Steve was also recognized by the NAACP as one of Nashville's top 45 under 45 for his work with V.I.P.

In November, the country elected Barack Obama as the 44th president and our lives were instantly changed. We gathered with our closest friends in our home to watch the results and cry for the rest of the night. Shortly after Thanksgiving, Steven and I began discussing his political ambitions. I was pretty much notified he had the bug and would run if I allowed it.
This is the picture from the MSNBC article about Steven's election day voter turnout operations.

Thi is later that night as we await the results.

In January, we picked up our tickets to the swearing in and made our way through the record size crowds to witness history. I will never be able to describe how I felt that day or what it meant to me. I did know this was a new beginning for the country and for me personally. I suddenly understood the power of hope and was therefore open to taking some chances. I gave Steven the green light to scratch his political itch.
This is the picture from the Tennessean article about our trip to the inauguration.

By March, we were in full campaign swing. We formed an advisory committee, began talking to spiritual advisers and soliciting familial support. We were poised to just give it all we had and throw ourselves into this run. We celebrated by having a great time at our friend Matia's 30th birthday.

April, we learn we will have to modify our "all or nothing" approach to campaigning because we have bigger fish to fry. As of late April, I was 6 weeks pregnant, moving full steam ahead toward 2 months and we had no idea. Everything after that is a blur.
In May we take a much needed Babymoon/anniversary trip (3 years!!!!), celebrate Steve's 26th with his first fundraiser and attended our first official prenatal visit. We heard the heartbeat for the first time on May 27th. It was breathtaking and surreal.
June finally arrived and we were officially out of the first trimester (thank You Lord). I can rest easy that morning sickness will never show up, since I did not have it and was holding my breath until I cleared trimester 1, and my chance of loss has decreased about 85%. Steven has received quite a few excellent press stories, which has increased the buzz about his run and thrown constituent support in his direction.
Here is the link to the City Paper Article about Steven.

Those are the highlights.
Now we are awaiting my birthday, the 20 week anatomy scan (which is 6 weeks away) and the Young Democrats of America conference in Chicago. Can you say summertime Chi!!